Friday 20 January 2012

Feminisim Theory

As a perspective for looking at media texts, feminists would see most media output as being the product of a patriarchal or male dominated order, aimed at objectifying women as sex objects only cast for roles because of the way they look. Feminism was the response to society's assumptions that women should be subservient to men; until the emergence of feminism women were treated almost as objects, passive agents in a male world.
Laura Mulvey created a theory called the 'Male Gaze', this edition of the magazine Rolling Stone which shows Megan Fox in a revealing seductive pose. This leads to assumption that this will make men buy the magazines, just because of what is on the front cover.
Mulvey argues that people look at things in two different ways,
  • Voyeurism- turning the represental figure into an object so that it becomes increasingly beautiful.
  • Fetishism- Cult of the female movie star i.e Marlyn Monroe, celebrated for her looks but considered an object and often treated as one.

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