Wednesday 18 January 2012

What Have we got to do ?

For our Media coursework we have been asked to create a front cover for a music magazine, a contents page and a double page spread of a choosen artist. To do this i will research different music magazines and different generes of music to see how they differ i will be doing this by creating a questionaire of quantative research to find out about this. We have also been asked to do a front page and a contents page for a colllege magazine aswell.
To do this we will analyse 2 music magazine front covers, 2 contents page and 2 double page spreads, this will give me a good understanding on what to make my magazine too look like and who to set it out.
For my college magazine i will analyse a college magazine and a double page spread this will help give me ideas on how to  prduce the best magazine.
Also during the rest of my coursework i will be producing:-

Mood board
Production schedule
Venue release form
Risk assesements
Front page mock up
Contents mock up
Double page mock up
Photoshop practises
Mock shots
All of these will show my progress through the different stages of my coursework

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